The search has resulted in the following
number of planning applications:
The following applications for planning permission have been validated by the Council and can be inspected by visiting the main reception at the Civic Offices Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (except public holidays). When an application is referred to Committee for the determination the Council will notify the applicant and agent, and those objectors/supporters who have made written representations on the application, to explain the arrangements for speaking at the meeting.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
condition of planning consent 191068 dated 19/07/2024. Condition 8 relates to a public art strategy.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following condition of planning consent O/2014/2280 dated 01/04/2015 (Parcel O2): Condition 10. Materials 12. Levels 15. Arboricultural
Implications Assessment 16.a protection of trees retention 17. Aged and Veteran Tree Strategy 18. Landscape and Ecological Management Plan 19. Hedgerows 20. Bats 21. Reptiles 22. UK BAP Species 23. Non- native Invasive Species 28. Car Parking 29. Cycle parking 40. compensatory storage 41 .floodplain modelling 42. safe pedestrian
access 43. Foul and Surface Water 44. surface water drainage 45.
Drainage System 51. Code for Sustainable Homes 52 .Low and Zero Carbon Technologies 53. Lifetime Homes 54. Other Sustainability
Measures 55. measures to reduce water consumption 56. internal and external spaces for the storage of refuse 59. Noise Insulation for Dwellings 69. Archaeology.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
condition of planning consent 231095 dated 20/12/2023. Condition 6 relates to a Hard and Soft Landscaping Scheme.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
condition of planning consent 191068 dated 19/07/2024. Condition 48 relates to a public transport strategy.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following condition of planning consent O/2014/2242 dated 02/04/2015. Condition 5Materials 6Levels 9Construction Environmental Management Plan 13Tree Protection and Landscaping 14Landscape details 16Protection of
existing trees 17Landscape Management Plan 18Earth mounding and contouring 25Pre dev Contamination 26During development
Contamination 29Parking Management Strategy 31Construction details 32Vehicle turning 33Construction access 38Surface Water Drainage Scheme 39Drainage strategy 42Emergency water supplies
50Archaeological 51Noise
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
conditions of planning consent 222304 dated 29.04.2024. Condition 6 relates to landscaping; 6 to biodiversity enhancements; 9 to lighting
Application for submission of details to comply with the
following condition of planning consent 203604 dated 12/03/2021.
Condition 3, Construction Method Statement, Condition 4,
Arboricultural Method Statement, Condition 5, Materials, Condition 6 Drainage, Condition 7, Ventilation and Extraction equipment, Condition 8, Boundary Walls and Fences, and Condition 9 Landscaping.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following conditions of planning consent O/2013/0346 (130162) dated 22/07/2014, in relation to the primary school development sub phase. Condition 4 relates to a Primary School Development Brief; 19 to a hedgerow strategy; 20 to a veteran tree strategy; 21 to a bat mitigation strategy; 22 to a reptile mitigation strategy; 44 to an external lighting strategy; 50 to an energy strategy, and 59 to a drainage
Application for submission of details to comply with the following condition of planning consent F/2010/2862:
4. Revised details of all boundary treatments.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
conditions of planning consent 242567 dated 02.12.2024. Condition 4 relates to lime mortar details.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following condition of planning consent [163547] dated [31/03/2021] Conditions 8)Construction Environmental Management Plan, 9)Construction
Vehicles, 16)Landscaping, 19)Protection of trees, 24)Flood Risk and Drainage, 26)Walking and Cycling Strategy, 33)Sustainability and energy efficiency, 36)Emergency water supplies, 37)Waste water
infrastructure, and 41)Communication Plan.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
condition of planning consent 181194 dated 14/11/2018. Condition 57 relates to Land Contamination and the application is for a part
discharge of this condition relating to P14 and P15 only.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
conditions of planning consent 192928 dated 24/05/2021. Condition 19 relates to a drainage strategy; 20 to SuDS details; 21 to drainage
connection points; 22 to an exceedance flow routing plan, and 23 to a SuDS Management and Maintenance Plan.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
conditions of planning consent 231095 dated 20/12/2023. Condition 13 relates to bicycle parking, and condition 15 to details of air source heat pumps.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
condition of planning consent 192928 dated 24/05/2021. Condition 24 relates to a Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP).
Application for submission of details to comply with the following condition of planning consent O/2013/0101 dated 24/12/2013. Condition 8. Landscape and Habitat Management Strategy.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
condition of planning consent 181194 dated 14/11/2018. Condition 16 relates to a landscape strategy.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following
condition of planning consent 213645 dated 18/05/2022. Condition 12 relates to children’s play areas within Open Space Parcel PG1.
Application for submission of details to comply with the following condition of planning consent O/2014/2280 (140977) dated 01/04/2015. Condition 14 relates to hard and soft landscaping scheme (part
discharge); 26 to detailed design of roads (part discharge); 27 to
construction accesses; 46 to wetland features; 57 to lighting; 65 to construction environmental management plan (part discharge).
Application for submission of details to comply with the following condition of planning consent 201515 dated 25/06/2021. Condition 25. Flood Risk Assessment.