The search has resulted in the following
number of planning applications:
The following applications for planning permission have been validated by the Council and can be inspected by visiting the main reception at the Civic Offices Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (except public holidays). When an application is referred to Committee for the determination the Council will notify the applicant and agent, and those objectors/supporters who have made written representations on the application, to explain the arrangements for speaking at the meeting.
Application to vary conditions 2 (approved plans), 24 (affordable
housing), 28 (landscape management) and 35 (planning obligations) of planning consent 202133 (full planning application for the proposed redevelopment of the existing Gorse Ride South Estate, comprising
demolition of existing buildings and replacement with 249 no. dwellings (mixed-tenure flats and houses) together with associated access, parking, landscaping, public open space and drainage). The application seeks to introduce variation to the design of the
approved scheme.