Planning - Comment

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Planning Application Number: 242825
iLAP Number: None
Site Address: Land to the South of St Anne's Manor Wokingham
Description: Application for a certificate of existing lawful development to confirm that planning permission 190900 for the proposed change of use of land from nil use to D2 for proposed Suitable Alternative Greenspace (SANG) with associated landscaping [to be read in conjunction with applications 190914 and 191068] has been lawfully implemented within three years as per Condition 1, through the commencement of work by virtue of the construction of a section of footpath.
By submitting these comments, I understand and accept that:
  • Any comments made are not confidential and can be seen by anyone as they form part of the public record. The comments, unless offensive, discriminatory and/or racist, will appear on the Council’s website within 24 hours and include the submitted name and address. Due to the high volume of comments received we do not provide individual responses.
  • Where related to material planning considerations, the comments will be taken into account during the determination of an application. If an application is determined by the planning committee, the comments will be summarised in a public report. In the event of an appeal, all comments will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate.
  • You will receive notification by email of specific events within the planning process i.e. in the event of re-consultation for revised plans; if an application is to be determined at a planning committee; once a decision has been made; if an appeal is submitted against the application; and, any update within the appeal process. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose and will not be disclosed to the public.
  • The Council reserves the right to withhold from publication any comments (in whole or part) not considered suitable for public view for reasons including offensive or personal content and anything relating to the protected characteristics as set out in the Equality Act 2010. Comments that the Council considers to be racially offensive, abusive, insulting, threatening or that incite hatred on the grounds of race, religion or sexual orientation may be referred to the police. Any defamatory comments made could be subject to legal action.
  • If you would like more information about how the Council process information then view the privacy notices on the Council’s website.

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